Is gender equality being
As it is
being said by the government that Uniform civil code will be based on the
principles of assuring gender
justice, gender equality and dignity, do our law makers made sure that their
proposed UCC needs to scrap laws which turn ordinary husband into criminals?
There are
a lot of issues which the government has not yet implemented or even discussed
in UCC. We have a constitution which is the same for all citizens, but family/matrimonial
laws deals contrarily with men and women.
Following facts
should also be taken care of while implementing UCC:
- Police routinely enter husband’s house at ungodly hours, take accused husband and his family into custody, and incarcerate them in the name of “protecting women from cruelty and harassment”. Is this gender equality as being assured?
- Under the present circumstances, it is imperative that husband’s father, brothers and sons are prepared to go to jail along with husband even if they committed no crime. Is this gender equality as being assured?
- 98% of domestic violence cases registered against men are faked, Is this gender equality as being assured?
- According to IPC 497, a man can be jailed for adultery, a woman can never. Is this gender equality as being assured?
- 53.2% of rape cases filed against men are false. Is this gender equality as being assured?
- Why there is reservation on the basis of gender?
- In India women have rights, children have rights, animals have rights, and even plants have rights. But Men have no rights. Is this gender equality?
- There are ministry for women, child, even dogs but men have none. Is this gender equality?
- Every 9 minutes, a married man is committing suicide in our country. If it’s just 10-20 people who committed suicide then it is not worth the attention, if it’s just 100s-500s – we can term it as some kind of coincidence, if it’s around 1000s –we can infuse some mathematical theory on statistics and snub it. But, how can one defend the argument in support of 498a/DV/377/406 etc. when 10000+ have committed suicide? It’s not an coincidence, its pure brutality of the draconian law which got unleashed. Is this gender equality?
People may ask what does UCC has to do with 498a/DV/377/406 etc.? Well, the
strongest supporters for the continuation of these marital laws is from the
feminists who had a crucial role to play in destruction of the society, which
they are committed to take it forward by various other bills and provisions. These
laws don’t give a damn about fundamental rights, don't care about equality, and
don't care about common sense.
UCC is a
solution for many problems and its ideal to have UCC but not with the existing biased
family laws (498a, DV, 406 and many more). Sure a uniform civil code will help the cause of
national integration. But, It is a humble opinion that a Uniform civil code is
possible only when the government defines gender equality not under the
pressure of feminists.
I am not asking the law to be lenient on husband for marital crime but the same standard
should be applied to women.
10.At present, Indian laws are highly discriminatory , gender biased , inhuman and unconstitutional. There is no gender equality and justice.
ReplyDeleteIf marriages solemnised by priests are legal ,why matters related to divorce must not be left to priests as well? Undeniably , Marriage IS a religious affair , hence, divorce MUST be a religious affair and judiciary must be kept out.
11.Judiciary has proven to be incompetent and inefficient vehicle for dispensing justice. Keep it away.Why public is expected to feed judiciary for injustice ( 5-20 years for divorce)?
12.Let us admit diversity and fix specific issues in every religion .
Let us fix the existing gender biased laws on priority basis in line with new found penchant for gender equality, justice and constitution etc.
Let us help over burdened judiciary instead of creating more work and opportunities for them
Let us stop judicial terrorism .
1. First of all ,since govt. loves Constitution, gender equality, gender justice etc. so much ,please repeal all gender biased laws 498A/DV/125 etc. and make women equally liable as men for same crime. Please do not throw men into jaws of living death i.e. judiciary
2. Demonstrate judiciary is capable of delivering justice in time and without corruption. Today, divorce takes upto 20 years.
3.Make triple talaq applicable to all races by making it gender neutral and by tweaking a few minor other issues. Else demonstrate recommended remedy by Govt. is better than the perceived disease.
4. Make judiciary accountable for errors , delays etc. in justice.
5. Reduce no. of courts to max 2 ( Supreme Court and Lower Court) and ensure quality of judges by selecting them through competitive exams like IITs,IAS etc. Would CJI Thakur like to get treatment in ICU starting from a junior intern ? Is public there to feed judiciary without expecting justice and accountability?
1. We are one nation, have at least 3 different laws for maintenance to wife ( not ONE LAW). Is that not unjust to men?
2. We are one nation , but have 2 laws to be used ONLYby liar women for dowry ( DP Act AND 498A ). Is that not unjust to men?
3. We are one nation , but we have multiple divorce laws e.g. to be used by Hindus ( HMA , SMA , FMA?). Each has different set of provisions!.
4.We are one nation and one judiciary , but we have 100 different inconsistent, contradictory ,conflicting judgments being delivered proudly ¬for same law every day e.g. maintenance, shared household, criteria for divorce etc. Now each day a new acceptable criteria for divorce is being announced. Do we have ANY LAW? And we talk about ONE LAW? Do we have ONE JUDICIARY in this context?
5. We are one nation, but treat men worse than dogs and have discriminatory gender biased laws to screw them. There is discrimination by women( DIL) against even other category of women (mothers ,sisters) and children who are being mercilessly thrown into jails without trial You kill 90,000 married men every year as per NCRB and create 90,000 widows every year. That is gender justice and dignity?
6.We are one nation but no ONE punishment for same crime e.g. ONLY wives are legally permitted to commit adultery, file false cases, tell lies in courts and yet go scot free.
7.We are one nation, but NOT ONE SINGLE HINDU GOD . Even customs vary from person to person. So why one law?
8. We are one nation , but one issue of cruelty has to be defended in 4 different courts ( dv,125,498a,divorce). Is that not unjust to men and senseless?
9 When a PM or a sweeper can be punished , why Judiciary alone is not accountable and is above any law and not criminally liable for delays and being inefficient and biased? Do we have ONE LAW when judiciary is exempted?
Keep it simple and stupid
1. make it mandatory to sign the register for talaq just as it is for “kabool” for marriage
2. make it gender neutral i.e. either spouse can use triple talaq.
Fix any other issues to make it more reasonable
Since for marriage, judiciary is not involved , keep them away for divorce also. (Send the judges and lawyers to Mars in Mangalyaan-2)
Amend the laws to allow marriage / divorce by triple kabool/ triple talaq method for ALL races in india.
e.g.If a marriage of a hindu solemnized by a hindu priest is legally valid, why talaq through a priest cannot be legally valid? Why the public is required to feed judiciary?
1. CJI Thakur has been crying like a child claiming overburdened judiciary. The pending cases will reduce by 50% if laws are amended as above
2. Let us make divorce as simple ,pleasant and painless as marriage for all races
3. It will reduce corruption
4. It will save billions of rupees for the public and bring “Achche Din”
If triple talaq is dis-continued, muslims will have to spend 5 - 20 years to get divorce thus choking the already crowded corridors of judiciary. Poor muslims who can’t afford legal costs will be particularly at a disdvantage which is against Modiji’s political agenda. The only creatures who would celebrate this will be feminists, lawyers, judges and police as they will have more opportunities to loot and/or harass husbands.
Muslims, Therefore, Must Oppose Any Attempt to Discontinue Triple Talaq With All Their Might. They Must Demand Repeal Of Gender Biased Laws Like 498a/Dv/125 And Strict Compliance To Article 13 Of Indian Constitution . Govt/ BJP Must Not Be Allowed to Insult Dr, Ambedekar
This Criminal Conspiracy Called Family Law Reforms Is A Farce And Cunning Feminist Strategy To Make Males Of Muslims And Other Races To Suffer Torture , Harassment and Commit Suicide .